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Help & FAQs


Help with online bookings

For assistance with your online flight booking with Mix & Match, please phone 0800 367 468. (International callers dial: 64 3 357 3021

Open hours:
Mon-Fri:     8am-midnight
Sat/Sun/Public Holidays:     9am - 5.30pm

Help with store bookings

For assistance with your store booking with House of Travel, please phone 0800 713 715

Find your store details for full contact information, location and store hours.

Send an enquiry 
through to your selected store.

Useful Links

FAQs on booking online with Mix & Match

Find out more on Airline Information, Baggage, Booking Fees, Cancellations and more.
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Gift Cards

Check your balance and read through FAQs on House of Travel Gift Cards which can be purchased from any House of Travel store. 
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Travel Insurance

Read through policy information, claims process and FAQs for travel insurance.
Travel Insurance purchased In-store with House of Travel
Online Travel Insurance with Mix & Match

Payment Options

See what is on offer from our partners:
Q Card & Q MasterCard
Gem Visa/Gem CreditLine
ASB True Rewards

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