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A land of magic and legend, richly steeped in religious heritage and wild romantic landscapes. Ireland can turn almost anyone into a poet. It’s not a large island, you could drive around it in four or so days but don’t be deceived – this place tempts travellers to tarry amongst its stunning views, breath-taking history and its famed hospitality.

Dublin is one of Europe’s most happening cities - where better to ease oneself into the legendary Irish pub scene? But beyond lie the cliffs and seascapes of Kerry, mystical Connemara, Gaelic speakers of Donegal, Galway, Cork and Limerick; every place name evokes stories of Ireland’s past.

Stroll through almost any town and follow the sounds of Irish music into a welcoming pub, work out the secrets of Gaelic football, taste soda bread and savour a creamy Guinness – devotees insist it has a unique taste unlike anywhere else in the world.

If you have no Irish blood in your veins, after a few days in this country you’ll wish you had. And if you have local ancestry, trace your Irish roots back into the peaty soils of your home county.




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